About the Mayor

About the Mayor

The Mayor is the Civic Head of the Council. In May of each year, one of the Councillors is elected to serve as Mayor for one year and another elected as a Deputy. The Mayor chairs meetings of the Full Council and represents the city at ceremonial occasions. The Mayor also welcomes international visitors and attends events organised by local people.

The Mayor for 2024/2025 is Councillor Mel Allcott

Mayor of Worcester Mel Allcott dressed in Mayoral Robes in the Mayor's Parlour

Cllr Mel Allcott was born and in Worcester and is a former pupil of Bishop Perowne High School. She moved away twice for family and career commitments and returned twice, to her home, Worcester. Mel was elected to Claines ward in 2019 and relected in 2022 and 2024.

Mel qualified as a Chartered Management Accountant, whilst working for an accountancy firm in the East Midlands and has worked as an accountant across sectors, including industry, practice and the public sector, which gave a useful insight into the workings of the public sector.

Mel can count back six generations of family in Worcester and today is particularly proud of her two daughters, Gemma who is researching a PhD at Aston University and Abbey who is reading Fine Art at the University of Lancaster.

The Mayor’s  theme for this year is Youth Matters.  Young people face an ever challenging and complicated environment.  Young people can be too easily forgotten and being less likely than older age ranges to speak up, they need support and they need a voice.

The Mayor’s charity for the year is Perdiwsell Young People’s Leisure Club.  Formed in 1976 in an old wartime asbestos nissen hut, it gained charitable status in 1986 and is now in a much more modern building and known to many simply as the “blue roof”.

Keeping with it’s original objectives, “Blue roof” provides educational and leisure time activities and facilities and supports charitable purposes in the local community.  Inclusion groups, musical groups  and the skate park are good examples of activities on offer.

A very busy year of engagements awaits the new Mayor of Worcester and she is committed to attending as many as possible with her partner, Andrew Lee as Consort, plus two back up consorts, Mike Mullins and Stuart Wild.

Councillor Matt Lamb is Deputy Mayor for 2024/2025

Deputy Mayor of Worcester Matt Lamb dressed in Mayoral Robes in the Mayor's Parlour

Past Mayors of Worcester Since 1999

2023/2024 – Louis Stephen

Mayor Louis Stephen in the Mayoral Robes

2022/2023 – Adrian Gregson

Mayor Cllr Adrian Gregson

2021/2022 – Stephen Hodgson

Mayor of Worcester, Cllr Stephen Hodgson

2020/2021 – Jo Hodges

Cllr Jo Hodges

2019/2020 – Allah Ditta

Mayor of Worcester Allah Ditta

2018/2019 – Jabba Riaz

2017/2018 – Steve Mackay

2016/2017 – Paul Denham

2015/2016 – Roger Knight

Mayor of Worcester 2015/16 Cllr Roger Knight

2014/2015 – Alan Amos

Councillor Alan Amos

2013/2014 – Pat Agar


2012/2013 – Roger Berry

This is Councillor Roger Berry's last week as Mayor of Worcester

2011 – 2012 – Dr David Tibbutt

2010 – 2011 – Mike Layland

Mike Layland

2009 – 2010 – Andy Roberts

Andy Roberts

2008 – 2009 – Lucy Hodgson

Lucy Hodgson

2007 – 2008 – Stephen Inman

Stephen Inman

2006 – 2007 – Ian Imray

Ian Imray

2005 – 2006 – Aubrey Tarbuck

Aubrey Tarbuck

2004 – 2005 – Allah Ditta

Allah Ditta

2003 – 2004 – Gareth Jones

Gereth Jones

2002 – 2003 – Robert Rowden

Robert Rowden

2001 – 2002 – David Clark

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2000 – 2001 – Mary Drinkwater

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1999 – 2000 Josephine Hodges

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