Mayor’s Diary: 1 – 8 November 2016

Mayor’s Diary: 1 – 8 November 2016

The highlights of the week were the many events which celebrated the achievements of our young people.

We had the honour of attending two of the nine University of Worcester graduation ceremonies in the Cathedral. This year, a record number of students received well-earned awards for their hard work. The Chancellor, HRH The Duke of Gloucester, attended and we were delighted to share his table for lunch.

Later we enjoyed Walking on Sunshine, performed by Worcester Musical Theatre at the Swan. Talented youngsters from Harlequin Stage School and Wilden and Claines primary schools performed superbly.

The Worcestershire Group Training Association awarded many successful engineering and commercial apprentices at a special celebration event we attended on Monday.

Training Ship Ark Royal celebrated its seventh birthday by awarding some very impressive young cadets, immaculately turned out for their presentation evening.

Finally, young sportsmen and women were recognised at the Hereford & Worcester Sports Partnership’s fifteenth Annual Sports Awards.

Most of these events rely heavily on the efforts of unpaid volunteers and we should all be grateful that they challenge and inspire our young people so that they become confident, successful adults.

King George V Playing Fields (also known as Brickfields Park) is situated in the centre of Rainbow Hill ward, which I represent as a city councillor. I have been working for months with a small number of local people to bring back the fireworks night, which took place on 3 November this year. It was a real pleasure to open the event and to thank those who made it happen. The display was spectacular and gave hundreds of local families a great night out.

The Lions Club’s Charter Evening was at the cricket club on Saturday and I was pleased to thank members for all the very worthwhile activities they organise, to help both local and overseas communities in need.

We returned to the Cathedral on Sunday afternoon for the County Council civic service, at the invitation of chairman Tony Miller.

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