Mayor’s Week: 1 – 7 December 2018

Mayor’s Week: 1 – 7 December 2018

Last weekend was the busiest for the city this year, with approximately 150,000 visitors arriving in Worcester’s centre.

Officers and agencies pulled out all the stops to fulfil this complex logistical challenge and to keep everything running smoothly: a heartfelt thank you to all those who helped to stage another hugely successful Victorian Fayre.

The weekend also saw the annual Small Business Saturday event take place. The location this year was Lowesmoor, just off the main shopping thoroughfare from the city centre. It’s a thriving and bustling area, with the majority of retailers there being independents. We talked to Maz, the owner of The Bakehouse, who in his early days when setting up worked up to 20 hours a day.  He bakes the most amazing bread and pastries (over 50 varieties I was told) all with equal love, care and attention to detail.  This effort certainly shows; his products are works of art!

Over 60% of Worcester’s businesses are independents.  They are the life and soul of this City, without which we would be much poorer both in culture and identity.  Please, please support them.

This week I enjoyed my first Christmas lunch! This was experienced in the magnificent Guildhall, where I welcomed senior citizens from across the city.  The Worcester Community Trust, one of my designated charities, organised a brilliant event which gave many the opportunity to dine in the majestic Assembly Room for the first time. The atmosphere and goodwill in the room were evident, and a joy to behold.

Along with Xmas lunches come nativity plays.  An entertaining one was provided by the Pre prep children at Kings St Albans, who presented a thoroughly enjoyable and well presented play, through which the Christmas message shone through clearly.  It really does amaze me that children can perform with such confidence at a young age.

I also had the opportunity to enjoy a Caribbean themed event in aid of charities supported by the Chairman of Bromsgrove, Caroline Spencer. It was a fantastic night, that ended up with the Chain Posse in a Limbo dance-off.  It wasn’t pretty, but the atmosphere was hot, hot, hot! This was in stark contrast to the weather outside.  A little bit of Barbados, in Bromsgrove; if only!

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