Mayor’s Week: 11 – 18 October 2019

Mayor’s Week: 11 – 18 October 2019

A remarkable week by any standards, the end of which saw me reaching for my umbrella and a handy lamp-post to swing around in the rain. But more of that later…

Several times this week the importance of mental health has been brought home.  In short, it needs just as much care and attention as the physically visible kind.  That’s why three remarkable events this week have stood out…

On Thursday in the Guildhall, an exhibition of photographs taken by people battling against enduringly difficult odds, during a course run by New Opportunities Worcester. ‘Touched’ comes nowhere near summing-up my feelings.

Later the same day, Headway Worcestershire’s AGM and 30th anniversary. This amazing organisation was one of my nominated charities in my first term and is again this year – and to hear the tally of current success tales as well as its plans for forging ahead in the future proved a huge thrill.  More tales of caring work brought to the fore at the Mental Health Awareness drop-in event at the Angel Centre on Saturday.

In between, the notion that there’s just not enough hours in the day flashed in front of me several times …

Music to be enchanted by at the Chamber Music@Worcester reception and ‘Forests, Fjords and Fairytales’ concert in Claines Church on Friday evening, heralding three days of free musical events, with Astaria String Quartet in the Astarrying role!

Judging by the huge number of customers eagerly awaiting the opening of the new Hobbycraft store at Blackpole, I can see this lovely company emerging as one of the city’s great success stories this year – I hope so anyway.

I was delighted to join Worcester Civic Society in its all-day celebration of 60 years’ sterling service to helping preserve our Worcester.  Two more civic events occurred as Saturday rolled into Sunday: Redditch mayor Roger Bennett’s autumn charity supper which raised £450 on the night, followed the next morning by Bromsgrove DC Civic service, hosted by Cllr Rod Laight.

And then an experience: WODS’ Singin’ in the Rain at the Swan.  Doo-be-do-doob, doobie-do-be-doo-doob.  Wonderful.

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