Mayor’s Week: 14 – 20 July 2017

Mayor’s Week: 14 – 20 July 2017

Another week and yet more diverse events to attend. It started with an evening at No.187 Squadron of the Air Cadets, who have reached the last three finalists of a national competition judging individual skills and drill presentation. The squad was inspected by Air Commodore Dawn McCaffertey CBE who, I believe, was very impressed with their turnout. Have to wait to see if they win!

On Friday I visited St Peter’s Baptist Church, where the AGM of the Worcestershire Association of Carers took place. As well as the actual meeting where officers were elected, there was lots of information that was passed on relating to how carers themselves are supported and receive respite. Much of this was told by way of stories from carers themselves, who praised the association for their assistance. This is yet another organisation that seeks volunteers to assist them in their work.

On Sunday so many supporters of Cancer Research UK turned up at Pitchcroft to encourage relatives and friends taking part in the Race for Life. There were two courses: the 10K and 5K. Suffice to say I had the easiest task of just starting the race. But on a serious note, an impressive amount was raised by way of donations which will go towards preventing, diagnosing and treating cancer and saving so many more lives.

However, on Tuesday I did start the day with a ‘Healthy Walk in Worcester’, in support of national ‘Love Parks Week’. The ‘stroll’ included a visit to Fort Royal Park, which has just received its Green Flag status, and Cripplegate Park. At the latter I was reminded of the Black Pear tree that’s growing and ‘fruiting’ so well there.

Finally the week ended with a visit to the Commandery to watch the most brilliant outdoor performance of Charley’s Aunt. And I must say, nobody stole the show here; this was a great performance by all those involved, professional to the last with absolutely perfect timing for this farce.

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