Mayor’s Week: 14-21 October 2016

Mayor’s Week: 14-21 October 2016

Our city and county have a rich musical heritage and one of the privileges of living here is that we can all enjoy a wide variety of musical performances. On Saturday, we heard the Worcester Cathedral Chamber Choir sing in St Martin’s Church, London Road. This is one of the finest chamber choirs in the country and this superb performance was a real treat.

Next day, in the Cathedral, a service commemorating the 800th anniversary of the death of King John was attended by a large congregation, including the Lord Lieutenant, the High Sheriff and members of the judiciary. King John’s remains lie before the high altar.  Bishop John’s sermon reminded us of King John’s reputation as an unpopular monarch and his association with Magna Carta, but also that he was not an entirely bad person. The very moving service included a procession of the entire congregation to lay lilies near the royal tomb. The cathedral choir and organ provided magnificent musical accompaniment.

Music of a very different variety could be heard this week at the Swan Theatre, where the Worcester Operatic and Dramatic Society performed Roger and Hammerstein’s musical South Pacific. The fully sold-out houses enjoyed hearing the large number of very well-known and popular songs. Mayoress Lynn and I were delighted to attend Tuesday’s performance.

Next Friday (28th) I have planned a Family Fun Day in the Guildhall from 10am to 3pm. This will include free magic shows, face painting, games and other activities for children during their half-term holiday. The whole family can join tours of our magnificent building. I look forward to meeting as many as possible and you can be photographed with both me and the official sword-bearer. I am collecting donations which will pay for local children from disadvantaged families to go on YHA adventure holidays and also for the Midlands Air Ambulance and hope that visitors will feel able to contribute to these very worthwhile causes.


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