Mayor’s Week: 16 – 22 September 2016

Mayor’s Week: 16 – 22 September 2016

This week’s diary is written by the Deputy Mayor, Cllr Steve Mackay.  

Friday started with me opening the Worcester Festival of Business. Many local enterprises left their offices to use stands to promote their services.  Good to see Worcester City Council advertising how it can provide funding for business ‘start ups’ and growth funding.

That same morning I visited the Church of Latter Day Saints in St Peters. If anyone is thinking of researching their family tree, the Church has a wonderful resource there and would be very pleased to help you…. and it’s free.

That evening we attended the annual Hereford and Worcester Fire Service Awards, where fire fighters received awards for long service and good conduct. These are important awards, reflecting their commitment to the public.   An award was also given to Mr Phil Hall of Malvern, whose act of heroism in entering a burning home saved the lives of a disabled man and his pet.

On Saturday evening we attended Pershore Abbey where Sue and John Fletcher celebrated what would have been their son Paul’s 40th birthday, had he survived.  The congregation were treated to the music of the Morriston Orpheus Choir, together with a soloist Huw Euron.  Paul’s niece Megan also sang beautifully to the congregation.  All proceeds from the event went to St. Richard’s Hospice.

Of course the event of the week in Worcester was the 10K run attended by celebrities Steve Cram, Jennie Meadows and Louise Minchin of the BBC. A fantastic morning with some 2,600 runners taking part (not including the under 16’s). The events included wheelchair competitors and a Run, Bike, Run event.   A fantastic day for Worcester– we must keep this going year on year.  So many happy people – congratulations must go to the organisers for such a well presented occasion.

steve mackay worcester 10K

I finished my week by attending the AGM of Headway Worcester, a charity dedicated to improving the lives of those suffering from brain injury. I was privileged to give awards to some very dedicated staff and volunteers.


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