Mayor’s Week: 17 – 23 December 2012

Mayor’s Week: 17 – 23 December 2012

I’ve enjoyed a few days’ respite over the last week, after a hectic festive period!  In the run-up to Christmas we helped the Worcester Rotary Club members with their annual seasonal appeal.   Jill and I met members from across Worcester who were busy bringing in donations, sorting them, and preparing them for distribution.  We were impressed with the logistical expertise and warmth from so many people, all working extremely hard to meet a tight deadline.  What a wonderful way of celebrating Christmas!

Later we were joined by Cllr Lucy Hodgson and Kathy Leather  at Berkley’s Almshouses, where we helped distribute  the donations to needy recipients.  I am so impressed with the whole programme, which has been running for many years.

At lunchtime we joined the Rotary Club of Worcester for their annual Christmas lunch at the Worcestershire County Cricket Club.  Many thanks go to Nigel Wake, for making us feel so welcome.

Later that same day, Jill and I attended the Worcester and District Scout Council Carol Service at the Cathedral. What an evening!  We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, as did the rest of the congregation who made “animal noises” to fit in with the Nativity Play! Congratulations to the 8th Worcesters, who hosted the event.

We also watched the St Peters pre-school Nativity play at the Village Hall. There was hardly a dry eye in the house!  We thoroughly enjoyed it; thanks go to Sandy Ditchburn for the organisation of the event.

That evening, we attended the “Word for the World” carol service at Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College; the orchestra and readers were all excellent.

Just about found time to squeeze in some Christmas shopping!  Then it was on to attend  Berkley’s annual Christmas lunch for residents at the Whitehouse Hotel, and the Annual General Meeting of the  Worcester Community Trust at the Green Centre.

The following day it was straight on to a tour of key sites in the city as part of the masterplan for Worcester, before attending a full meeting of the City Council’s Planning Committee.

The annual Worcester News traditional Christmas Carol Service at the Cathedral is always an unmissable event!  Editor Peter John, Trevor Sallis and I all gave Christmas readings.   Afterwards we adjourned to the Mayor’s Parlour at The Guildhall and enjoyed some mulled wine and mince pies.


My last official engagement before Christmas was a visit to the Cathedral for the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, with readers from throughout the City.  It was packed out and is clearly appreciated by the many worshippers.  My thanks go to the Dean, who led the service.

Now a little time for a well-earned rest!  Wishing all Worcester News readers a very happy and healthy New Year.


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