Mayor’s Week: 17-23 February 2017

Mayor’s Week: 17-23 February 2017

On 17 February 1892 the Worcester Operatic and Dramatic Society was launched in the Star Hotel in Foregate Street, now known as the White House Hotel. WODS celebrated its 125th anniversary at the same hotel on 17 February 2017 with a dinner dance.

I was delighted to address this event and to recognise the enormous social value which WODS has created in Worcester over so many years. WODYS is the youth section of WODS. Young people have learnt the performing arts, gaining confidence through the experience of being involved in WODYS. I have attended a number of their performances at the Swan Theatre which have been very professionally produced and extremely enjoyable. There is no doubt that Worcester would be a much duller place to live without the entertainment which organisations like WODS and WODYS provide for the benefit of our residents.

The heritage of our city has been celebrated all this week at events which are part of the Love Worcester Festival. On Saturday we visited the Commandery, where hundreds of re-enactors performed historic rolls which brought to life Worcester’s past. I enjoyed a beer served from a 1940s replica bar and was photographed wearing a Napoleonic soldier’s helmet – such fun!

On Sunday we were invited to lunch at Dancox House, home of 214 Battery in Pheasant Street. This was a fundraising event for ABF, The Soldiers’ Charity, which does so much good for soldiers and their families who need help.

On Monday morning we attended the funeral of a long serving employee of the City Council. Jenny-Anne Bowley tragically lost her fight against cancer all too soon and her smile and love of life will be sadly missed.

Later we opened the city’s latest fish and chip shop, the Newtown Fryer. I was served the first meal and it was delicious!

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