Mayor’s Week: 17 – 23 November 2018

Mayor’s Week: 17 – 23 November 2018

I was delighted to welcome year 5 children from Holly Mount School last week (Parliament Week) for an extended Question Time, where I was grilled about democracy and local politics.

As you know, children come up with the most fascinating and imaginative questions.  One of the best had to be:  “Do you have any special powers when you wear your cloak and chain?”  mmm.. it left me a little stumped and I politely proceeded to explain that I hadn’t, but if I did it would be great have teleportation – how much time I could save!

I was also asked if I have the number for the Queen and Number 10 – or the power to sack the Government?  These ones needed more careful negotiation and diplomacy, as you can imagine.

Thank you to all those children and schools that took part in my Christmas card competition.  There were some wonderful and imaginative designs which grasped my theme of ‘Love Not Hate’ perfectly – winners will be announced in the following week.

Children in need always brings a smile to people’s faces and I thank Worcester Ukulele Group and Crowngate for inviting me to a sing along in the Shopping Centre.  It was thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining, whilst raising money for a very good cause!

I got the chance to dress up with a Flower Power theme as I visited nPower HQ  in the evening, to thank all the staff taking calls from the general public for the BBC Children in Need appeal.  Well done for your precious donations of time and money!

On Saturday I was entertained by the Worcester Festival Choral Society at a concert in the Cathedral.  Can I take the opportunity to say it was a fantastic spectacle and an evening full of high quality music – to my untrained ear it was seamless and heavenly, especially from the Soprano and the choir.

A crisp Sunday morning saw me join the Royal British Legion in remembrance of the Prisoners of War that are buried at Astwood Cemetery.  It was a poignant moment to recognise all those that were caught in this terrible war.  It was heartening to see representation from the Polish Association of Worcester there too.

Have a great weekend.


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