Mayor’s Week, 18 – 23 June 2012

Mayor’s Week, 18 – 23 June 2012

Monday began at the Guildhall with a welcome to handbell-ringers and an American visitor Karen Buckwalter, who is a musical director and arranger. They enjoyed the Guildhall and a piece of cake kindly donated by St Paul’s Hostel from our recent visit.

Afterwards I paid a quick trip to the riverside to welcome Diabetes UK, who were staging a Healthy Lifestyle Roadshow. They are successful in looking at people’s body mass index and arranging referrals to local GPs where necessary.

At lunchtime I enjoyed a visit to the cricket ground to meet the Rotary Club of Worcester at the cricket ground. I was made an honorary member and heard of their fundraising plans.

We had a terrific evening on Tuesday at The Commandery seeing Shakespeare’s As You Like It – luckily without any inclement weather. We had a wine and finger buffet, then an excellent production where all actors performed so well. This really is Worcester at its best!

Wednesday brought another tour of the Guildhall and the Mayor’s Parlour, this time with American students on Summer School at the University. Not only were they impressed with the Guildhall and tourist attractions in the city, but many have plans to stay in Worcester for The Queen’s visit and also take a trip to the Olympics.

I joined the Bishop of Worcester on Thursday for the opening of our city’s first food bank. This is another initiative sponsored by All Saints Church who have been successful in engaging with many other volunteers, not just to help out but also to donate groceries. The existence of the food bank is in many ways a sad comment on the difficult times we are i

It was fascinating to attend the press conference to unveil the rediscovered papers from Winston Churchill’s visit to Worcester. This was a really interesting insight into the attempts by my predecessors to arrange for a visit to the City by Churchill and the eventual ceremony to award him the Freedom of the City.

Churchill Letter

We were joined by John and Ruth Bennett, who had treasured memories of Churchill staying at Lower Wick.

John Bennet and his wife
Jill and I, with John and Ruth Bennett

Later I joined the local branch of national charity Sight Concern for their Jail’n’Bait event outside the Guildhall – this challenged four contestants to raise £500 to be “released”.

Jail n' Bait

Jail n Bait outside the Guildhall

We had a visit from Nunnery Wood Primary School on Friday. The youngsters enjoyed a debate in the Council Chamber on whether or not the wearing of school uniform was necessary. By a narrow margin those in favour won the debate. Afterwards I gave them a quick tour of the Guildhall, including the cells.

In the afternoon I enjoyed a visit to the cricket ground to see a T20 match with Warwickshire. Thanks to Peter John, editor of Worcester News, for the hospitality.

On Saturday I joined a photocall with The Rotary Club of Worcester who were fundraising with a parade of sandwich-boards, led by a band, throughout the busy city centre. This was one of their many fundraising events and I wish them well.

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