Mayor’s Week, 19 – 25 September 2011

Mayor’s Week, 19 – 25 September 2011

Monday 19th: Employment among young people is a serious issue. I was therefore pleased to attend an exhibition in the Guildhall put on by a number of local employers many of whom have taken on apprentices. The “Worcester News” got behind this campaign to extend apprenticeship numbers. We heard speeches from a representative of “Worcester Bosch”, Robin Walker, MP and The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Ian Duncan Smith, MP among others. Awards were presented to those who have made a major contribution to apprenticeships.

Today the Royal Grammar School (RGS), Worcester celebrated its 450th. Anniversary of the granting of the Elizabethan Royal Charter in 1561. This was marked by a visit by Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal. Jane and I had the honour of being in the welcoming party. The RGS, now combined with the Alice Ottley School, has achieved a great deal both academically and in sport. At one point during our tour I was drawn into an informal practice of lacrosse… not easy in mayoral robes!! However I don’t think I disgraced myself and seemed to remember the technique learned when I played for Oxford University in the1960’s!!!

Tuesday 20th: At the “Promises Auction” held at the Swan Theatre on 14th. July Mrs. Julia Bridges made the maximum bid for “Tea and cakes in the parlour and a tour of the Guildhall”. Today she brought eight friends and we all enjoyed homemade scones by the Mayoress, strawberry jam and cream… tea and cake (also made by the Mayoress!).

Wednesday 21st: Twenty six female students, lead by Jutta Feuerstein, from Hohere Lehranstalt fur wirtschaftluche Berufe (a college for business professions) in Austria are spending a week in Worcester on an educational visit. Of course the Guildhall was on their list! They were impressed by our City and its cleanliness compared with some other places. They just could not understand why anyone would drop litter in their streets… this would not be socially acceptable in Austria!

Thursday 22nd: Rob Byrne is the new Communications Manager for the City Council. I was pleased to welcome him to the parlour for a chat about communications in general. Rob certainly wants to broadcast the good things about our City which fits in well with my priority for this mayoral year.

Friday 23rd: The Annual Awards Ceremony for the Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service took place in the glittering Assembly Room of the Guildhall this evening. As Mark Yates QFSM, Chief Fire Officer/Chief Executive, pointed out “This event ….is one of the highlights of the Service’s calendar”. The importance of the event was marked by the presence of Mr. Michael Brinton, Lord Lieutenant of Worcestershire and Lady Rosalind Morrison, High Sheriff of Worcestershire. The awards were presented for a variety of achievements including long and meritorious service and a Young Firefighter award, volunteer of the year. It was an evening of pride.

Saturday 24th: A great day! The new Warndon Youth & Community Centre is complete. The old community centre has been transformed into a state of the art modern facility. It is all the result of the Worcester Community Trust, City and County Councils and others working together. I had the pleasure of “cutting the ribbon” with Councillor Ed Moore, Chairman of the County Council.

I am always pleased to support new small local businesses. So Jane and I were very happy to accept Angela Morris’ invitation to attend the opening of the “Rapunzel Let Down Your Hair, Hair and Beauty Salon” in King’s Street.

In spite of the dry Summer what a bumper crop of apples! I spent the afternoon picking apples in my son, Mark’s, garden on the south side of Ankerdine Hill.

Sunday 25th: Over a thousand years Worcester Cathedral has required rebuilding and repairs. Nothing remains of the original building founded in 680 with Bishop Bosel as its head. The current cathedral dates from the 12th and 13th centuries although the crypt dates from the 10th century and the time of St. Oswald, Bishop of Worcester. In the 1970’s it was realized that much work was required on the fabric and especially on the tower. The Worcester Cathedral Appeal was set up in 1988 and over the 20 years since 1991 restoration was carried out. Today there was a special Choral Evensong to celebrate the completion of this work. The Very Reverend Robert Jeffrey, Dean 1987 – 1996, gave a fascinating sermon on the structural work over the last millennium and referred to I Corinthians 3: 1 – 16 (“… a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building on it.”).

Norman Crypt Worcester Cathedral
Norman Crypt, Worcester Cathedral (Photo from Wikipedia)

Worcester Riverside
We live in a beautiful city


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