Mayor’s Week: 22 – 29 March 2018

Mayor’s Week: 22 – 29 March 2018

Last Thursday saw a number of students from Florence, who were being hosted by a local school, visit the Guildhall.  They were really impressed with our City (particularly the Cathedral) but also admitted to enjoying the shopping experience here.  Even though Worcester has had its own flourishing porcelain industry since around 1750, when asked the question, “What is Worcester famous for?” students visiting us from all over the world say the same thing – “Worcestershire Sauce”.  It’s good to be famous!

That evening Alison and I went to the Shire Hall to attend a rather ancient ceremony, the appointment of the new High Sheriff Cassian Roberts.  With a trumpeter to set the proceedings going Mr Roberts took on the position with the incumbent, Mr Stephen Betts standing down after his year in office.  The proceedings were presided over by Mr Justice Jeremy Baker who spoke at length of the commitment Mr Betts had given to his role.

On Friday evening I hosted the Mayor’s Charity Dinner at the Guildhall.  It was a lovely evening but having just about lost my voice, speechmaking did prove difficult. Fortunately, Starbuck Theatre Group, our singers, were in fine voice and gave fantastic renditions from the West End and Broadway Musicals. So, with the ticket sales, generous sponsorship, raffle prizes and an auction the evening made around £5,000 for my charities.

Now if you had asked me some years ago how I associated the Kays Company with Worcester, I would have straight away suggested their catalogue. However, for the past 62 years Kays Theatre Group have also been putting on pantomimes in the City; so it was a pleasure to be able to say thank you to the members by inviting them to the Parlour.  Actors, stage hands and supporters all came along and I think had a great afternoon touring the building and looking into the cells.

Unfortunately a virus I’ve picked up together with a resounding cough has made me cancel some engagements this week – but better that than passing it on to others!  I’ll be taking a short break over Easter, before returning to the fray!



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