Mayor’s Week: 23 – 29 January 2015

Mayor’s Week: 23 – 29 January 2015

Presenting the awards to the winners of the Worcester Badminton Charity Tournament at Nunnery Wood Sports Centre took me back a few years down memory lane, when I used to play badminton regularly (and was actually quite good at it) until politics took over. It’s played in good sportsmanship – very civilized and enjoyable, providing exercise and fun, as well as testing your skills and speed of reaction. Well done to the Club Captain, Dr. Ajeet Nair, for organising such a professional and really friendly event.

One of the good things about being Mayor is that you get to meet so many fantastic people. One such was Tom Neathway, a soldier who lost limbs fighting for us in Afghanistan. I met him when Cash Converters in Pump Street presented a generous £6,000 cheque to The Afghanistan Trust. Here was a man constantly smiling, talking about his future plans, despite his injuries. An example to us all.

I visited Worcestershire Royal Hospital to thank A & E staff following a very intense winter so far; and also to see the new and developing facilities. I cannot overstate my admiration for our doctors and nurses, for their sheer commitment and devotion to all their patients, whilst constantly under pressure. To our doctors and nurses – we all love and admire you – you are true angels. The new Oncology Unit and the nearly built Birthing Centre are marvels of modern medicine. How lucky we are to have the latest technology. Certain people should stop whingeing and whining about our wonderful NHS – treasure it as it should be. And, oh yes, to all Governments – it needs more money so provide it!

What a delight to celebrate another Worcester success story, this time the Premier Inn Hotel’s First Birthday Party. What incredible views over the Cricket Ground and Malvern Hills – and, amazingly, those rooms don’t cost any extra! Just the kind of comfortable and convenient hotel I always book for myself. I will also remember it because I won two raffle prizes in a row when normally I never win anything – but I did hand one back to the staff.

Last week, it was my pleasure to host in The Parlour students from Archway Academy and volunteers from Deaf Direct; then time for a good old British panto performance of Sleeping Beauty at Norbury Theatre Droitwich.

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