Mayor’s Week: 23 – 30 June 2017

Mayor’s Week: 23 – 30 June 2017

This week’s engagements were again quite varied.  Last Saturday I met with representatives from the Lion’s Club at Worcester’s lovely Huntingdon Hall.  They had invited the Chivenor Military Wives Choir, which was started by Gareth Malone in 2011, to sing a selection of songs in this intimate venue. This was a lovely evening and included four of the original wives from the choir.  There was lots of audience participation! It was a particularly special event for Joy Haffner, President of Worcester Lions as her son Adam, a reservist in the Army, sang two of his own compositions.

Earlier that day I visited the ‘Street Party’ held at St Peter’s Baptist Church, where residents were treated to various amusements by stallholders.  From Coconut Shy to Laser Games, there was something for everyone and with the weather holding, a good time was had by all.

This week I entertained a number of guests in the Mayor’s Parlour.  They included a group of French visitors from Loudon.  It was interesting to hear how much they were enjoying Worcester and its sights – they were particularly taken with the Guildhall. This was good to hear as we recently learned that the building has won a Certificate of Excellence from TripAdvisor.

On Monday, Alison and I were guests at Worcester Rotary, where we spent the evening with their incoming president Chris Burton. Samantha Sinclair-Day, the outgoing president, described how much she had enjoyed her year in the role and had managed to enlist new volunteers in her first few months.  This is quite an achievement – convincing people to give up their time to raise money for other charities, or to become involved in working with other organisations, is not an easy task.  And during the course of the proceedings I was privileged to be received as an honorary member of Rotary Worcester.

Well, another week is over – I am now looking forward to being at the start of today’s Worcester Carnival.


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