Mayor’s Week: 27 January – 2 February 2017

Mayor’s Week: 27 January – 2 February 2017

Last Friday, Lynn and I attended County Hall to commemorate the Holocaust. This moving event reminded us, in words, images and music, of­ the genocide of Jewish people in the Nazi concentration camps during the Second World War and also of other genocide since that time.

It was good to share this event with representatives of our Jewish, Muslim and Christian faiths and to commit ourselves always to challenge racism and exclusion, as these are attitudes which eventually lead to the horrendous actions we recalled last week.

On Tuesday, we returned to our wonderful leisure centre at Perdiswell, where former Olympic runner Steve Cram joined representatives of the University, Freedom Leisure, The Samaritans and City Council to launch the Worcester Half-Marathon and 10K run. This will take place in September and will attract many visitors to our city.

Running is one of many activities now available in Worcester which help to keep us active and healthy, and I am very happy to support this new event.

The Tiny Tollys is a pre-school group based at the Tolly Centre in Rowan Avenue. We were delighted to join their first birthday party where we saw many small people having lots of fun. This facility is very much needed in this disadvantaged area and we want it to continue.   I understand that there is a small number of spaces for more children and hope that parents will take these up.

We really enjoyed watching Mother Goose, this year’s Kaye’s pantomime at the Swan theatre.

Both students and staff of Regency High School warmly welcomed us for a tour of their school and we were most grateful for their hospitality.

I hosted two groups of visitors to The Guildhall; students from New College and Tudor Grange Academy toured the building and learned about its history, ending another busy mayoral week.

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