Mayor’s Week, 27 June – 3 July

Mayor’s Week, 27 June – 3 July

Monday 27th : I was interviewed by Central Television for a story on refuse and cleansing highlighting the “Take Pride in Worcester” campaign. An opportunity to promote the “three P’s”: Pride in the City, Prevention of littering and saving Pounds.

Tuesday 28th : We had a meeting today to plan the fund-raising events for my three charities (Leukaemia Care, Noah’s Ark and Worcester Farmers’ Overseas Action Group). There are going to be some exciting events so watch this space!!

I chaired the Full Council meeting this evening. At times it became a somewhat boisterous affair!

The Rev. Canon Ken Boyce, Rector of St Martin’s Church (London Road), is my Mayor’s Chaplain. He took this topic in “Reflections from the Rectory” in this month’s Parish News. The word “Chaplain” “comes from the cloak or cape (Latin ‘cappa’) worn by St. Martin ….. ‘capella’ – a small cloak….. – and from that word comes ‘chapel’, the closet or room where the cloak was kept safely. The “chaplain” was therefore the person responsible for looking after it”.

Wednesday 29th : Ann Perry has been with the City Council since 1988 and the Committee Administrator from 2001. I was pleased to speak at her leaving party today to thank her for 23 years of dedicated service. Officers like Ann are crucial to the smooth running of our democratic system.

Jane and I were excited by the “Art and Design” Exhibition at the Worcester Sixth Form College. The boundaries of art are really being extended by the students. A great range of skills are needed to produce the exhibits and must help with careers in the future.

Thursday 30th : Now that was fun! I opened the new hire department at the Ultimate Party Shop. Me raising a green fluffy top hat next to a mannequin: what will I look like in the photograph if it appears in the press?

Friday 1st : I presented prizes and rosettes to the winners of the Oldbury Park Primary School who had entered the peregrine falcon art competition. It was such a pleasure seeing the joy on the faces of these 7 – 8 year olds. Our artists of the future! Caroline Adams of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) also came and gave a short presentation. Photos of the event along with the  winning artwork can be found on the Peregrine Falcon’s in Worcester Facebook page.

Saturday 2nd : Passersby in the High Street this afternoon were freely entertained by a delight of music from the forecourt of the Guildhall. The Elgar School of Music put on a wonderful variety: something for everyone. The participants are a great credit to the musical heritage of our City. A collection was made in aid of my three charities. I am most grateful to Gillian Lumsdon, Head of the School. During this Summer the School will be arranging workshops and concerts in association with the Three Choirs festival and Worcester Music Festival. Information is available on and telephone 01905 28613. 2011 is building up for a vintage year in music.

Sunday 3rd : Annual civic services are key events. They celebrate local democracy and bring together local mayors and chairmen and women (the “chain gang”) across Worcestershire. Today was the turn of Cllr. of Wyre Forest District Council and Chairman Cllr. Stephen Clee. Jane and I attended a Mass celebrated at Our Lady and St. Pius X Catholic Church in Habberley.

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