Mayor’s Week, 27 May – 2 June 2012

Mayor’s Week, 27 May – 2 June 2012

Just one event on Sunday, when we attended the Mayor of Evesham’s Hello Cruise on the Avon at Evesham. Afterwards, at a venue kindly provided by the Mayor of Evesham Councillor Robert Raphael and his Mayoress Cllr Diana Raphael, we enjoyed a buffet meal. It proved to be a useful opportunity to meet other new civic heads.

Monday and Tuesday were almost clear so I got down to some gardening and car-cleaning – long overdue after the hot and dusty weather!

On Monday I also attended the opening of an exhibition of Co-operative History at The Bath Museum. Articles had been sought from local co-operators and particular thanks are due to Ken Dallow for his contribution on Worcester’s history. Local Worcester Co-operators will be able to visit on Saturday June 30 when a coach trip is being arranged.

I met up with Tim Clarke of the Worcester Standard on Tuesday for a regular briefing prior to attending an update for councillors on the South Worcestershire Development Plan in the Guildhall.

Wednesday brought my first attendance at the annual meeting of The Thomas Corbett Charity for Blind and Partially sighted, at the Guildhall.

The Mayoress and I later attended the fifth annual Learning Through Sport Day at The County Cricket Club, hosted by Professor David Green, the University’s Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive. It was great to witness young people from local schools enjoying activity through sport and to hear of the success of schemes to engage with young people.

We also had an update on developments at the University in particular the Arena, which is designed to meet the needs of wheelchair athletes and is now beginning to be seen as a new sight on the Worcester skyline.

In the evening, we enjoyed a performance of Cabaret at Spires Theatre in the College of Technology. What a performance! Both Jill and I enjoyed it throughout and in particular enjoyed meeting some of the performers afterwards. Congratulations to Paul Bellamy and his team in the Performing Arts Department.

On Thursday I had a meeting with Canon Stanton at the Cathedral to finalise arrangements for the Civic Service on June 17.

In the afternoon it was Planning Committee, where several major developments were approved. Congratulations to Geoff Williams on his first meeting as the new committee chairman.

In the evening we hosted a reception in the newly refurbished Guildhall Assembly Room to launch the Royal Jubilee Elgar Festival 2012. What an improvement to this gem of Worcester’s architecture, now that years of grime have been removed!

Afterwards we walked to the Cathedral to attend the opening Jubilee Concert. What a performance, with  Elgar’s Cello Concerto performed so beautifully by Peter Adams. I’d like to give my congratulations to Christopher Robinson, The ESO and The Worcestershire Choir.

Friday’s attendance was at the annual Volunteers Fair under the aegis of Sally Ellison and the team at the Worcester Volunteer Bureau. There were over 30 Groups demonstrating the opportunities for volunteering in the city – no excuse for inactivity and a great opportunity to meet friends!

Saturday was remarkable. I was up early to meet David Faulkner and his family – David is running six marathons in six days to raise funds for Orangutang conservation.

David Faulkner and little support runners
David Faulkner and little support runners

Over to Specsavers to judge children’s crowns, then to judge the St John’s Traders Association Jubilee Shop Windows competition.

Crown making competition winners at Specsavers
Emily Seabright (aged 8) who won first prize in a children’s crown design competition. 2nd prize went to Kayleigh Wood (aged 5) and 3rd prize went to Destiny May (aged 8).

I was impressed with the efforts made by traders to brighten up St John’s and in particular the prizewinning entry from Newman’s Florist. Thanks to Rich Brixey and the Co-operative for the Fair Trade Hamper as first prize.

Congratulations to Belinda Jones, owner of Newman's Florist, 27 St Johns who scooped the winning prize.
Congratulations to Belinda Jones, owner of Newman’s Florist.

During the afternoon we were invited to attend the Jubilee party at Berkeley’s Chapel for residents of Berkeley’s and Nash’s. What a spread! Thanks to Elaine and her band of helpers.

Residents, friends and staff of Berkeley Arms Houses

I am a Trustee of this charity which is located in an idyllic setting, right in the centre of the City. How farsighted were some of our city fore-fathers in establishing this successful and progressive charity which does so much good in meeting the needs of people on limited incomes.

Later that evening, not totally exhausted, we enjoyed an exhilarating performance of Elgar’s Kingdom by ESO conducted by Donald Hunt with the combined voices of The Elgar Chorale and Worcester Festival Choral Society.

This was the final event of the three day festival celebrating the life and music of Edward Elgar during the weekend of his birthday. As it was June 2, Elgar’s birthday, a wreath was laid by Michael Kennedy.

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