Mayor’s Week: 28 April – 4 May 2017

Mayor’s Week: 28 April – 4 May 2017

The Worcester Operatic and Dramatic Society (WODS) performed Gilbert and Sullivan’s HMS Pinafore at the Swan Theatre last week. This was the first ever WODS production in 1892 so it was appropriate to celebrate their 125th anniversary by staging it again this year.

Months of hard work by the large cast and back-stage members created a superb spectacle which was very much appreciated by an enthusiastic audience. We’re looking forward to their next production in the autumn.

On Sunday, Worcester’s Community Theatre School, All Sorts Performing Arts, welcomed us to their open day at the Warndon Hub in Shap Drive. This not-for-profit organisation is led by enthusiastic young people who offer three-18-year-olds the chance to learn a variety of performing arts skills. Despite the low cost of the classes, many are run by professional teachers.

The children and young people we watched were really enjoying themselves and learning to perform is a great way to increase self-confidence. Like many local groups, All Sorts struggles to attract the funding it needs to expand its operation. There is so little money available from local councils now and it is getting harder to find charities able to offer support, despite the fantastic contribution All Sorts makes for young people in our city. I do hope they can find some benefactors to keep them going.

On Tuesday, a group of American students from our twin city of Worcester in Massachusetts arrived for a tour of The Guildhall. They had been here since March as guests of our own University and have been studying at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. I had welcomed their Principal here a few weeks ago so was delighted to welcome the students before they returned home at the end of this week.

Next week is my last as your Mayor and I will be busy right up to the end.

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