Mayor’s Week: 28 November – 5 December 2013

Mayor’s Week: 28 November – 5 December 2013

Opening the Victorian Christmas Fayre was a delight. Clerics, mayors and chairs, officers, choir and Fayre goers gathered in the Corn Market to say prayers and sing carols.

Dignitaries then boarded the carousel for the customary ride. I was a bit nervous of riding side-saddle, but it seemed to work. It was a fast, thrilling ride and a lot of fun.

Mayor riding horse

Stall holders seemed to agree that they had done well at the Fayre. I am not surprised….a number of Welsh people were already shopping at 10.00 a.m. on Friday morning and I don’t even want to think how early they got up to achieve that!

The Cats’ Protection fashion show in St Johns proved you can find fashionable clothing at budget prices. Some of the outfits were show stoppers! There were beautiful jackets and designer evening wear, as well as funky younger fashions.

I also dined with Worcester Twinning Association and got to know our friends from Kleve and le Vesinet a little better. Why do we have twin towns? – to promote understanding and peace between our countries.

The KGV Grandees, a friendship club of lively retirees, asked me to their Christmas lunch. Thank you to them for their hospitality. I greatly enjoyed their company.

I went shopping with the Federation of Small Businesses at Cookmate and Tunnells Opticians. Cookmate is an Aladdin’s Cave of culinary equipment and Tunnells has exquisite designer eye wear.

And today is Small Business Saturday, so I will be supporting our small independent retailers when I do my Christmas shopping.



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