Mayor’s Week: 29 April – 4 May 2018

Mayor’s Week: 29 April – 4 May 2018

By the time you read this I will know whether or not I am remaining a city councillor. No matter what the outcome of this week’s election, I know I will continue to enjoy living in this wonderful city. I detailed once before in an earlier blog the reasons why ‘I’m Backing Worcester’ – I meant it then and I mean it now. Worcester is a great city.

In spite of the approach of the election this week, I have continued to attend some really nice events.

The first was at the Guildhall, where four people from Worcestershire received their British Empire Medal. Presented on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen by the Lord Lieutenant, Lt. Col. Patrick Holcroft, the decorations reflected their work within the community. This included the work of Worcester Acute Hospital and Organ Donation, the setting up of a Trust Fund in respect of Leukaemia, as well as supporting those who are visually impaired and taking part in sport and services for the community of Bromsgrove. It was a lovely ceremony with some very proud (deservedly) recipients.

Alongside other local Mayors I was able to attend a charity event supported by the Mayor of Droitwich, Councillor Shaun Best. While he provided an evening of entertainment, a raffle and auction raised a considerable amount for his charities, the Droitwich Challengers Gateway Club (supporting people with learning difficulties) and St Richard’s Hospice.

The following day, all councillors were reminded of a particular responsibility they hold as “corporate parents” to those children who are “looked after” within our county. The Chairman of the County Council, Councillor Ann Hingley, held her Civic Service at the Cathedral and the theme was our care for those children, be it by foster parents or in residential homes. The Cathedral choir provided some lovely singing, ably accompanied by the Franche Community Primary School from Kidderminster.

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