Mayor’s week: 29 July – 4 August 2016
Recent stories in the Worcester News and elsewhere about people being abused simply because they look or sound “foreign” to their abusers have made depressing reading. As a local councillor and Mayor, I represent all our residents, whatever their places of birth or ancestry, and try to encourage people to reach out to and value people with a different heritage.
The party last week at the Horizon Community Centre in Midland Road was a great way to celebrate diversity and Lynn and I were delighted to attend and support it. Over 100 people, including lots of children, celebrated the Muslim festival of Eid by sharing food and conversation. Children jumped on bouncy castles and their angelic-looking faces were painted, transforming them into Spiderman and other heroes. Well done Worcester Community Trust (WCT) for providing this happy event.

Much of the most valuable work in our city is done by volunteers, who give up a few hours of their time, not for payment, but to make life better for others and WCT could not exist without them.
Other people volunteer to read and record stories from the Worcester News so that blind and partially-sighted residents can enjoy what sighted readers take for granted. Every week, Worcester News & Equipment Services for the Blind makes over 200 copies of a two-hour recording session produced by a team of volunteer readers. These are delivered free of charge to subscribers’ homes so that they and their friends can listen to the news. I enjoyed being a guest reader last week and helping this superb service.
I also enjoyed welcoming to the Gulidhall the first of four groups of students from China, hosted by our University.
It was a real pleasure to open the newly refurbished London Road Post Office. My friend Councillor Jabba Riaz has worked extremely hard to ensure that this valuable community facility, under threat of closure, now has a secure future.