Mayor’s Week: 29 March – 4 April 2019

Mayor’s Week: 29 March – 4 April 2019

It was a quieter week than normal, but no less interesting. I was interviewed by Ruby Edwards of the Worcestershire Lifestyle magazine about my year in office and as I sat in the Mayors Parlour contemplating the wonderful events that had taken place in the year, it began to dawn on me that I was only six weeks away from the official hand over to the new Mayor.  Doesn’t time fly! Spare me the violins and tears just yet – I must make the most of my remaining time.

On Tuesday evening I hosted the Lions Club awards ceremony at the Guildhall.  Having done several Lions Club events over the civic year, I have become familiar with the professionalism and dignity with which the Lions conduct their business. They are the world’s largest voluntary service organisation, committed to ensuring local charities and international causes alike across the world are addressed and supported. Locally in Worcester they raise a modest amount for charity and local causes. But crucially they support little known organisations and groups with their community work too. We heard from six charities which are benefiting from the Lions awards, two of which are causes close to my heart.

The Friends of Fort Royal, a small community group headed by Cllr Lynn Denham, were awarded a cheque to carry on supporting the wonderful events that take place in the park all year around.  I too have fought hard to secure funding for Fort Royal Park in the past.

The second is Worcester Amateur Boxing Club.  Being a child of the seventies when boxing was at its peak, the heavy weight greats of the time and previous era left a lasting impact.  My friends and I joined the Worcester Amateur Boxing Club; it provided us with a sense of belonging and a means to channel our energy.  Our coach, Mick Underwood, instilled in us a sense of discipline and routine that has stayed with me ‘til this day. He taught us about respect, focus and pride, as well as how to do a press up or two, which I demonstrated to anyone who cared to watch!

I am grateful to Mick for being a part of my upbringing.  It is this type of work in the community that can make a real difference to someone’s life.  I am glad that the Lions recognised this and made a donation, which will help the Club to carry on this vital work.

Having been brought up in this wonderful City practically since birth, I am grateful to everyone who has been a part of my upbringing, success and failures – whether they be teachers, friends, family or random members of the public.  It is through their help, support and words of encouragement and advice that I have been able to achieve all that I have today.  Thank you – and have a safe weekend.

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