Mayor’s Week: 5 – 11 September 2013

Mayor’s Week: 5 – 11 September 2013

Fort Royal Park has had a major make over, with new civil war themed play equipment and Kenneth Potts’s wonderful bronze plaque commemorating the Battle of Worcester. At last week’s Drum Head ceremony, the prayers were the same as those said on the eve of battle in 1651. Ben Humphrey, Chairman of the Battle of Worcester Society concluded the ceremony with words later spoken by John Adams, second president of the United States:

      “And do Englishmen so soon forget the ground where Liberty

      was fought for? All England should come in pilgrimage to this

      place once a year.”      


 Vertigo struck when I visited a Worcester Community Housing refurbishment of the high rise blocks in St Johns. Out on the scaffolding, the ground seemed a long way down – but the views were magnificent. The revamp makes the blocks seem rather like a luxury hotel: there will be a rooftop lounge, two roof gardens, new windows and bigger lifts. 

 On Friday evening, Phil and I went to an exhibition of work by local sculptor, Caro Sweet. Caro has a growing international reputation. I suspect she may become one of the top British sculpting talents of her generation. My advice? Buy now, before she becomes so well known that she is too expensive!

 New Hope, Snoezlen, and the Parents and Carers Council held a fundraising fete last Sunday. The weather was kind. There were plenty of interesting stalls and two cheeky little ponies giving rides for the children. Phil and I had fun playing tombola and came away with a good haul of chocolate, which will amuse friends, because I can’t eat it!

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