Mayor’s Week: 5 – 12 September 2020

Mayor’s Week: 5 – 12 September 2020

One thing I regret from my childhood is never being enthusiastic about sport.  I played tennis, hockey and netball in a fashion at school and did the exercises that P.E. expected of me, but it was never with any real enjoyment or success.  Time and again I am now reminded that in order to be healthy and look after myself, I should be doing regular exercise.

It was therefore with a certain amount of regret at my wasted youth that I opened the wonderful new tennis courts on Cripplegate park, not forgetting that there are two newly refurbished courts on Gheluvelt park too.  The facilities are fabulous with small courts for those young Roger Federers and Serena Williamses.   With some free or a very affordable £1.25 a week for family membership, it is very good value for money.  Many thanks to the Lawn Tennis Association for their generous funding and to our partners Freedom Leisure for making all this possible.

On Thursday Mark Jackson, the High Sheriff of Worcestershire and I spent four hours walking around and visiting Worcester’s wonderful heritage sites in preparation for Heritage Week which takes place from 11 to 20 September.

We visited the historic Commandery, Cathedral, Guildhall and Tudor House Museum and also called in to the newly re-opened Museum of Royal Worcester (Porcelain).  We finished our journey at the Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum, which also houses the Worcestershire Regimental museum.

On the way we stopped to see William Shakespeare’s Marriage Bond and other very precious treasures in the strongrooms down in the depths of the Hive.  Mark and I had a super time and I would love to tell you more about the things we saw and heard, but lack of space prevents that.   However you can see these things for yourself during Heritage Week and discover more about our very special City.  Many thanks to Harry our photographer who accompanied us all the way.

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