MAYOR’S WEEK: 16 – 22 APRIL 2023

MAYOR’S WEEK: 16 – 22 APRIL 2023

He runs, he swims, he even cycles – yes this week’s challenge was dodging cars with the Bike Bus up to Worcester North Primary School. A great initiative spreading across the city to encourage safe cycling from an early age, and raising awareness amongst rush-hour drivers.

I then put my underpants over my tights and flew up London Road to unveil the new defibrillator at the Royal Life Saving Society. A seriously important device that can save lives in an emergency. Like the one at the Guildhall it is on The Circuit public network.

We visited the premises in Ronkswood for the New Horizons project which has grown out of the experience and success of New Hope for children with disabilities. It is aimed at people who would have benefitted from New Hope but who are older and have no real place for them – a common theme for anyone having left education it seems.

Maybe culture and sport can be part of that answer. Certainly that’s the view at Christopher Whitehead where we were welcomed to the opening of the new Performing Arts Centre, and entertained by students’ performances. Or the University Wheelchair Basketball Team who have bucked the local trend in sport by winning the British University Championship.

I was pleased to be the MP’s guest for a tour round the Palace of Westminster, and even managed to feature on House of Commons TV at the back of a committee room!

Finally we were guests of the Mayor of Stourport for his charity event, raising funds for the Kemp Hospice and Leapgate Activity Centre in the Wyre Forest.

It was held at the Yacht Club in the Stourport Basin, a really interesting and historic part of the town. There were a few good initiatives there I think we could pinch for Diglis.



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