Mayor’s Week: December 11 – December 17

Mayor’s Week: December 11 – December 17

The tree has gone up in the Mayoral household, just a few weeks after one arrived in the Parlour! Lights to follow…

Elsewhere, Christmas is coming quicker than you can fatten a goose.

RGS The Grange Christingle service went very well in the Cathedral where the talented choirs of various ages were on show. Safety implications of candles and long hair in bunches were safely managed and families, friends and guests enjoyed a lovely evening.

The following night the Worcester Festival Chorus gave a grand rendition of Handel’s Messiah. Always a seasonal favourite, the orchestra, soloists and chorus were excellent, and there’s nothing like standing for the Hallelujah!  to get cold blood moving again. There were only surreptitious glances at mobile phones as the evening’s football news crept in.

We went to Perrywood School Christmas fete and managed to win a couple of things on the tombola and support some of the other stalls. Great atmosphere in the winter sunshine and great to see kids and their families enjoying being in crowds again.

I have been spreading my own Yuletide cheer amongst city council staff, at Astwood Cemetery and Trinity Street Housing Office. As councillors we do not say thank you to our staff often enough. The staff awards evening apparently went well and I was very pleased to hear that the Civic Team had won an award. Visible only on big occasions with their maces and swords and bright suits and buttons, they have had an unusually busy year with everything to do with the Jubilee, the protocols and services following the Queen’s death, standing guard while the Condolence Books were available into the evenings, and subsequent Proclamations. And they have to put up with me.

Finally, a sad event at ex-councillor Robert Peachey’s funeral. RIP Captain Bob.



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