Mayor’s Week: January 22 – January 28

Mayor’s Week: January 22 – January 28

Sweets, history, ancient and modern, and questions of morality have made to an interesting week at the coal face.

In mourning the passing of Mr Simms sweet shop we must say, long live Mr D! We opened a new venture, same premises on the High Street and bought a few samples for later.

I was with the Council’s Army Covenant Champion to meet veterans young and old with the Shadow Minister for the Armed Forces, Luke Pollard MP. These trips are always interesting and an opportunity to reflect on our recent history and Worcester’s long engagement with the military and public service.

That longer history was reflected at a meeting of a resurgent Partnership concerning the Battle of Worcester in 1651. A lot of our modern identity is rooted in that last battle of the English Civil Wars, not least our heritage and tourism offer so a drive to raise awareness with the aim of education and economic investment is very welcome. Events and visitor trails are promised. With the support of the Mayor, the MP and the Joint Leader of the Council let’s hope for progress.

And so to morality. Whether your favourite version is Frank Sinatra or Louis Armstrong (mine), Mack the Knife is a classic song – but who knew it was from the Threepenny Opera, written by Brecht, based on an 18th century satire of Italian operas? Well the Sixth Form College do now – and they delivered a slightly cleaned up (really???) production with a talented and emotional performances. The leads were great and a strong chorus and rhythmic band backed them up wonderfully in a play of misery and questionable morals. There was no place to hide on the front row, from the beggars and the tarts but I shall treasure my invitation to the coronation!


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