MAYOR’S WEEK: 2 – 9 MARCH 2024

MAYOR’S WEEK: 2 – 9 MARCH 2024

Last week I unveiled a bench with Worcester’s u3a in memory of their former member, Elizabeth Coxon.

The new bench is positioned on the riverside near the Watergate ferry steps for the benefit of residents and visitors wishing to sit for a while. Liz loved watching clouds so the bench plaque is simply inscribed “Sit awhile and watch the clouds.”

Thank you to Worcester u3a for making this bench possible. For very many older people and those with disabilities, a bench and ideally a series of benches, is the difference between being able to go for a walk and not.

Benches are so important – they are truly amazing things. A simple bench enables; walking, sitting, meditating, looking at the passers-by, the swans, people rowing or running past. A bench is somewhere to nurse a child, perhaps for lovers to meet, a tourist to eat chips or a shop worker to eat a lunchtime sandwich. A bench and somewhere to sit is at least some dignity to the homeless.

Ever thought of the etiquette of bench sitting? Sitting in the centre says, ‘go away’. Sitting at one end says, ‘there’s room one more’ and invites a ‘Is it OK for me to sit here?’ The humble bench makes all this happen.

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