Mayor’s Week, 9 April – 15 April 2012

Mayor’s Week, 9 April – 15 April 2012

Easter Bonnet CompeitionMonday 9th: Irving Berlin was inspired by the Easter Parade down Fifth Avenue from St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City and wrote:

“In your Easter bonnet with all the frills upon it,

You’ll be the grandest lady in the Easter parade”.

It was rather a damp Bank Holiday Monday but there were still a number of entries for the Easter Hat Parade along the High Street to the Guildhall. The star of the show was the little dog with his splendid bonnet.

The Easter Bonnet is a tradition of wearing new clothes at Easter time fitting in with the renewal of the year. In the Great Depression a new hat at Easter, or even a homemade or old one, was a luxury. The English tradition of new clothes at Easter is noted in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet where Mercutio teases Benvolio: “Did’st thou not fall out with a Tailor for wearing his new Doublet before Easter?”

Tuesday 10th: A catching up day dealing with a backlog of editing for the South Sudan Medical Journal. I always find this a pleasure and satisfying to help provide the only medical journal in that young independent country.

Wednesday 11th: Newly appointed staff of the Worcester City Council are provided with a detailed induction programme. I am always delighted to contribute with a talk about “Being Mayor” and I did today.

Staff Induction
Worcester City Council staff induction

Thursday 12th: On 28th. March Jane and I were invited to the Oxfam Shop in Mealcheapen Street to see behind the scenes. So I reciprocated today by inviting the staff to the Parlour for “tea” and a tour.

Friday 13th: The White Star Line ship the RMS Titanic set sail on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York on 10th April 1912. On Sunday 14th April at 11.40pm., about 375 miles south of Newfoundland, a large iceberg was spotted from the look out in the crow’s nest. The ship was unable to avoid a collision and struck the iceberg with a glancing blow leading to a gash in the hull for 300 feet and below the water line. Less than three hours later at 2.20am. on 15th April the Titanic sank. There were 2,216 people on board and only 710 survived being rescued from lifeboats by RMS Carpathia.

The One Off Performance Society put on an amazing show of the musical “Titanic”. Jane and I were privileged to be invited to see this evening’s performance. It was an emotional rollercoaster knowing the outcome but not knowing how the various parts would be portrayed: collision with the iceberg, the listing of the ship, the panic and final demise and tragedy. It was composed by the American Maury Yeston and premièred in 1997.

Saturday 14th: Twenty five years ago in 1987 the Worcester Twinning Association was established and our City was twinned with Kleve in Germany. To mark this 25th anniversary Jane and I accompanied the Chairman and about twenty members of the Association to Kleve Walk beside the River Severn and the Kleve black swan. Here we attached a laurel garland to the swan just after which there was a spontaneous “fly past” of six beautiful white swans along the river.

Twinning Association

St. Swithun’s Church has origins back to 1126. It was rebuilt in 1734 – 1736 and remains a stylish and almost unaltered example of early Georgian church architecture. Most noticeable inside is the three-decker pulpit with its wonderful tester surmounted by a gilded pelican feeding her young. Beneath it is the mayor’s pew and ceremonial sword rest. In 1977 this church passed into the guardianship of the Churches Conservation Trust. For more information about this treasure see

This afternoon to celebrate Eastertide a Service of Readings and Hymns was held. With Sword Bearer, Mace Bearers and councillor colleagues Jane and I processed from the Guildhall to St. Swithun’s Church for the service taking our place in the mayor’s pew.

St Swithun's Church
St Swithuns Church

Cllr. Tony Miller, Chairman of Wychavon District Council and his Consort, Mrs. Katherine Miller held their Diamond Jubilee Charity Ball this evening at the Worcester Rugby Club, Sixways Stadium. Most enjoyable company and food and at the same time raising vital funds for “Cross Roads Care” and “Acorns Hospice”.

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