Mayor’s Week, 2 – 8 April 2012

Mayor’s Week, 2 – 8 April 2012

Monday 2nd: Tim Clarke, Editor of the Worcester Standard came for our monthly chat about Worcester stories.

Tuesday 3rd: We had our meeting with representatives of the Worcester Farmers’ Overseas Action Group and Leukaemia Care. In spite of the economic climate we feel we have raised a significant amount of money for these charities…watch this space for the final figure.

Wednesday 4th: Jane and I had the honour of welcoming Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal, on her visit to the Youth Support Services (YSS) centre in Carden Street. The Princess became Patron in 2008. The YSS has its origins back to 1985 when it was called The Intensive Support Scheme. It is a multi-agency partnership to provide support programmes for young people aged up to 17 years old who were at risk of being sent to custody and social exclusion. It was part of the Worcestershire Diocesan Board of Social Responsibility. In 1992 the name was changed to YSS. The tour around the centre demonstrated how well a number of organisations are working together very successfully.

Princess Royal at YSS

Thursday 5th: The Rotary Clubs of Worcester have five Rotarians from Sri Lanka here on a Group Study Exchange visit. We had a most pleasant Dinner in the Graeme Hick Suite of the Worcestershire County Cricket Club this evening. The Sri Lankan visitors gave fascinating presentations about their country and what Rotary does.

Friday 6th: It has been a long time since we went to a Scouts’ Gang Show. This evening was great fun at the entertainment put on by the Explorer Scouts at the Chantry High School, Martley. They had only one week to rehearse so well done everyone.

Explorer Scouts form a section of the Scout Association in the United Kingdom for 14- to 18-year-olds. It began in 2001 replacing Venture Scouts. The aim is the provision of a flexible and active Scouting programme for adolescents emphasising personal challenge and adventure. Explorer Scouts meet as Units, are organised at the District level, participate in linkages with local Scout Groups and are able to attain the Queen’s Scout Award, which is the highest Scouting Award.

Saturday 7th: I welcomed the five Rotary Club visitors from Sri Lanka to the parlour this morning telling them something about our local history and traditions.

In May last year about ten veterans of the Worcestershire Home Guard came to the Parlour for tea and a Reunion. It was so enjoyable they wanted to do it again this year and 24 turned up. It was a great privilege talking to these men and women who did so much for their country during the Second World War.

Worcestershire Home Guard at Mayor's Parlour
Talking to the veterans about Mayoral duties.

Worcestershire Home Guard and their families
Worcestershire Home Guard and their families

Sunday 8th: Happy Easter Everyone!

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