Mayor’s Week: 9 – 15 June 2018

Mayor’s Week: 9 – 15 June 2018

The week started with a blessing at the Cathedral, which celebrates the 800th year of its rededication.  The Great West Window is fully restored, and is truly an inspiration and wonder to behold.

A quick mention for the Worcester Food Festival, and the fantastic showcase which it has become.  It brought the city centre to life and was a huge success; roll on a bigger and even better one next year.

I also managed a visit to the Herefordshire & Worcestershire Business awards, which showcased the best of the two counties’ business talent. It’s inspiring to see that that we are particularly strong in the tech sector in this County, and that we certainly are not lacking entrepreneurial talent.  The future is bright. Well done to all the winners and of course the Chamber for hosting such a fantastic event at the Worcester University Arena.

It was a privilege to officially open the Worcester Lit Fest and to hand out prizes in the Young Writers Category.  This is a festival that has become a firm favourite of mine; the quest to find a new Poet Laureate can get extremely competitive! Get involved if you can.

Finally I was invited by Worcestershire Interfaith Forum to attend an Iftar and to celebrate the near ending of Ramadan. It was great to see so many faith communities coming to together in mutual respect and support of each other, celebrating the diversity we have in the city. Eid Mubarak to those celebrating and remember to love, not hate!  A smile to a stranger or an unselfish act of kindness or chivalry will set in motion a wonderful day.  Peace and love to you all!​

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