Mayor’s Week: 16 – 22 June 2018

Mayor’s Week: 16 – 22 June 2018

If last week was busy, then this week notched up a few degrees in intensity.

As it is Worcestershire’s year to host the Three Counties Show I was honoured to be asked to reply to the Lord Lieutenant at the event, talking about the great relationship the city and county have with the show and the fact that it has grown from strength to strength. Long live both the farming industry and the Show!

The OVO Women’s Tour showed that Worcester does large scale events well.  Great organisation and ingenuity ensured a smooth finish to the race, giving the City great international coverage.  It was fantastic to see the City looking clean & immaculate.  Thank you to all the residents who came along, volunteers and officers for a brilliant event.

I was also invited to the Prescott Bike Festival at the kind invitation of the Severn Free Wheelers.  This group generously organises the Blood Bikes, which go up and down the motorway delivering vital blood supplies to hospitals. They do such a selfless voluntary service and are saving literally hundreds of lives as a result. I will be inviting them to Worcester soon.

On to the Ring Festival at the Weorgorian Pavilion, which is organised by the Canals & River Trust.  What a brilliant way to celebrate diversity and culture! I was enthralled to be part of the RSVP Bhangra group session. I learning the history behind Bhangra moves and of course got stuck into the dancing!

It was an enjoyable event which got most of the crowd involved dancing together, regardless of age, sex or cultural background. Truly the manifestation of my theme of Love not hate on display!

Stay safe and most of all, smile and make someone’s day!

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