Mayor’d Week – 10 – 17 September 2021

Mayor’d Week – 10 – 17 September 2021

Last Thursday the Mayoress and I attended the Kinship Carers 10th Anniversary professionals event, which was hosted in the Guildhall by Clare Whittaker from Harrison Clark Rickerbys solictors. We were introduced to Enza Smith MBE, the CEO of the Worcester based charity.

On Friday the Heart of Worcester College Graduation Ceremony took place in Worcester Cathedral. My wife Councillor Lucy Hodgson is a former governor of the college, and we were welcomed by Mr Neill Bucktin, Chair of the Corporation, Mr Stuart Laverick, Principal & Chief Executive, and Nicki Williams, the Vice Principal and Chief Executive of the Heart of Worcester College. Congratulations and the best of luck for the future for all those who graduated.

Later in the afternoon I made my official visit the Worcester Life Stories and Titanic exhibitions. Thank you to Phillipa Tinsley and her colleagues for showing the Mayoress and I around. I have been to the Titanic museums in Belfast and Southampton, so to see this exhibition in Worcester was a thrill.

On Saturday I joined the Heritage Open Day that was held at the Guildhall. Members of the public could see parts of the Guildhall not normally open, including the Parlour.  Rob McCarthy, the Mayor’s officer, Frank Southam the Sword Bearer and Mark Harding, a macebearer, were also on hand to welcome visitors.

In the evening I was at the splendid Stanbrook Abbey Hotel for the Children of Worcestershire Cancer Fund Charity Ball. The event was organised by Dawn Forbes, Children and Young People Oncology Nurse Specialist who also received a prestigious award at the event. The mayoress and I were seated next to Dr Baylon Kamalarajan, Lead Clinician, who made the news worldwide a few months ago when he and colleague Emma Mander donned tutus to perform a ballet routine to a young girl patient!

On the Sunday the Annual Worcestershire Freemasons Cathedral and Memorial Service took place. The service was attended by Freemasons from across the county and was presided over by the Provincial Grand Master, Robert Vaughan. The Masonic Charities have helped many people and organisations during the current Covid pandemic.

On Tuesday I was able to welcome back Margaret Jones, the Grants and Fundraising Manager from the Friends of Fort Royal School, and the Collar & Tie production company to the Parlour.  They are producing a film which I feature in – complete with my mayoral robes.

On Wednesday I judged the winner of the Youth Photography competition organised by the Worcester Vigornia Rotary Club, which I also happen to be a member of. The winning entry by Isabel Lock captures the reflection of trees and the sky in a lake, and is stunning.

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