Mayor’s Blog: 2 – 9 December 2012

Mayor’s Blog: 2 – 9 December 2012

The week began with a meeting of representatives from the Worcester Rotary Club, to make plans for the Charity Banquet next year.  We have our next fundraiser with the Elgar Chorale on Thursday – tickets are still available!

Later I entertained colleagues from the West Midlands Area Committee for the Co-operative Group to a buffet, followed by a tour of the Guildhall.

The following day Jill and I attended the YMCA to see the screening of the Young Health Champions’ Mental Health Awareness Film.  It was extremely moving and promoted awareness of mental health issues among young people.

We were welcomed to Acorns Hospice in Bath Road on Wednesday, where we were given a tour of the building and later met staff.  What a tribute to local fundraising this is! Thanks to CEO David Strudwick.

Later I attended a localism seminar with colleague councillors and the Managing Director of Worcester City Council.

On Thursday, Jill and I welcomed the Sanctuary Group students from Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College to the Parlour and gave them a tour of the Guildhall. What an interesting group of knowledgeable students!

Later, I met with Matt Johnson and Vinspired volunteer team, who offered to help promote our “Homeless not Helplessness Day” at The Guildhall on Saturday 26 January.  They have produced a most useful information leaflet aimed at young people.

In the afternoon I attended the funeral of Ronkswood stalwart Joyce Drew.  The high attendance was a tribute to the work she performed in this community over many years.

During the evening we were welcomed to Blessed Edward Oldcorne’s Presentation Evening.  What a warm and caring environment there is in this high achieving College.  Many thanks to the Prinicipal Sean Devlin and his team.

On Friday we attended the Fort Royal School, where we hosted the annual Christmas Party supported by Drumlove.  The children clearly enjoyed themselves and it was great to talk with them when we later toured the school.

Later Jill and I attended the launch of the Ryder Festival, a community event at The Green Centre hosted by young people from engage4life. It was an opportunity for young people to show how they contribute positively to society.

I then attended a briefing for the Extra Council Meeting we are holding next Monday night, to approve the South Worcestershire Development Plan.

Later Jill and I attended the switching on event for the Christmas Tree Festival in the cloisters at the Cathedral, in aid of Daisy Chain Benevolent Charities. What an addition to the Christmas delights in the City this event is!  We were then asked to select the top three trees, which was extremely difficult knowing the amount of time volunteers have put in to produce such fine results.

I joined the Worcester Amnesty Branch the following day, signing a card to one of their persons “suffering from human rights abuse.” I then joined the Worcester Rotary Club who were collecting for their Christmas parcels project. What a great deal of effort goes into this worthy cause.

During the evening, we attended The Messiah at the Cathedral courtesy of Worcester Festival Chorus; what an invigorating start to Christmas! Congratulations to all the performers and to Christopher Allsop, Assistant Director of Music.

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