Mayor’s Diary: 17 – 22 September 2017

Mayor’s Diary: 17 – 22 September 2017

A busy few days began last Thursday evening, with the City of Worcester Sports Awards 2017 seeing a number of honours being awarded to those contributing to sporting activities. The University of Worcester hosted partners, sponsors and recipients, with the prizes being given by Steve Cram CBE.  At the conclusion both he and his partner Allison Curbishley answered questions from the audience.

On Friday morning I was pleased to open the Festival of Business in Worcester.  Now in its fourth year this event, organised by Stuart Allen, is all about businesses in the City showing what they have to offer, and being on hand to give advice to start-up companies.  This includes the City Council, which offers similar assistance as well as financial support to new businesses.

That evening I visited the Museum and Art Gallery in Foregate Street, where the Worcester Society of Artists opened their annual exhibition.  Their works in different mediums really showed off their talents.  I was allowed to choose a picture to display in the Mayor’s Parlour and selected Steve Letchford’s Castle Path, Weobley: a lovely water-colour.

Saturday morning saw me visiting Perdiswell Fields, where the newly refurbished football pitches were officially opened. The work has been funded by Section 106 money from developers – refurbished changing rooms will soon be added too..

And then moving from sports to the Arts, Alison and I listened to a performance by the excellent Worcester Concert Brass in the evening at Nunnery High School.  This included a great rendition of ’76 Trombones’ which was certainly appreciated by the audience.

Sunday morning brought about the starting of the Worcester Half-Marathon, 10K and junior races.  There really was a wonderful atmosphere at Croft Road for this event, which was so well organised.  Everyone was enjoying themselves and all those taking part showed real determination.  I also had the pleasure of meeting Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, who took part in the event.  And not to forget, a big thank you to all the volunteers that helped out on the day, making the events possible.

That afternoon we went to the Cathedral to take part in a service which commemorated the 150th anniversary of the birth of Stanley Baldwin MP, three times Prime Minister of this country.

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