Mayor’s Week: 22 – 29 September 2017

Mayor’s Week: 22 – 29 September 2017

Last Wednesday started with me giving a tour of the Guildhall to some visiting French exchange students who were being hosted by the Blessed Edward Oldcorne College.  They showed considerable interest in the building and were really enjoying their time in Worcester.

That afternoon at the Cathedral, l attended the funeral of Mrs Hope Rowden, a former City Councillor and Mayoress.  Some lovely tributes to her life were paid by her husband Robert, daughter Anne and son Julian.

That evening Alison and I were at the Vesta Tilley studio of the Swan Theatre to see a brilliant performance by Liz Grand in Chris Jaeger’s play, Where is Mrs Christie?  The eleven days Agatha Christie went missing in 1926 has been subject to much speculation but I think Mr Jaeger’s research may have captured much of the truth.  Well done to all those involved.

I was privileged to be asked to open Worcester’s first Pride event and so on Saturday I visited South Quay where the ‘party’ took place.    The organisers were keen to show that no-one should suffer discrimination and that all hate crime should be reported to the appropriate authority.  But this serious message was just part of the proceedings which included music, poetry and speeches, all much enjoyed by those that were there taking part in this significant occasion.

Then later that day I was at Shrub Hill Industrial Estate where I opened the newly refurbished premises of the Worcestershire Martial Arts club.  This is yet another group run by volunteers which provides youngsters with new skills and physical activities outside of school. Some good equipment there and really dedicated leaders.

And finally that evening, Alison and I were entertained by the Worcester Male Voice Choir at College Hall.  This was on the occasion of their annual concert, which proved to be a very enjoyable evening with the choir in very best voice.

This Wednesday the Guildhall hosted the Worcester City Allotment Award Ceremony.  The number of allotment holders that attended was surprising but just goes to show what a popular activity this is, with quite a competitive spirit among the participants.  Well done Timberdine Allotment Holders, on gaining the Best Site Award!



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