Mayor’s Week: June 26 – July 2

Mayor’s Week: June 26 – July 2

This week I was taken back to my childhood. The Regimental Parade, complete with ram, marked not only the Freedom of the City but also the end of 2 Mercian Regiment, now being amalgamated with the First Battalion. It was odd to meet so many soldiers with Lancashire regimental cap badges and to hear that the Mercians are currently stationed at Weeton Barracks, round the corner from where I went to school, was a surprise.

Then on Tuesday we attended a professional performance by final year pupils at RGS The Grange of what I can only describe as a fun musical ride through any London-based orphan story you care to mention. One bit caught my attention, a take on Gilbert & Sullivan’s Trial by Jury, which I had been in many years ago. By the way, I only got the two Dickens joke afterwards!

The pandemic robbed us of much of course, but Perrywood school did its best to make up for a few missing years with an extensive summer fete. In typical form, the rain lashed down on occasion, but spirits appeared undimmed, and there was always the human fruit machine to keep you entertained. Trust me, you had to be there!

I see one of the mayor’s main roles as welcoming new people and organisations to Worcester. One instance this week was to visit the UK distribution centre for Wellell, a global medical supplies group at the cutting edge of the caring side of the health business. Another was the Newmedica eye clinic, a partnership with NHS and Specsavers, relieving queues for cataracts operations on the NHS.

We must thank the Clothiers Guild of Worcester for their hospitality and entertainment. Celebrating 500 years as a trade guild, they represent the once thriving cloth industry of the city. A great tradition that founded churches, charities and schools; that established the corporation that is now the council, and is still involved in charitable ventures in health and education.

So far, my ‘openings’ have been somewhat traditional, but I cut the ribbon to Will and Julia Scott’s walled garden with a pair of shears! I wonder what they will let me cut next?


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