Mayor’s Week: 10 – 17 December 2013

Mayor’s Week: 10 – 17 December 2013

It would not be exaggerating to say that the audience at Friday’s Elgar Chorale concert was ecstatic. With Donald Hunt and Malcolm Macleod conducting, the chorale sang a beautiful programme of carols and Christmas music, interspersed with a variety of readings. Elgar was clearly right: the centre of music in this country is not in London, but 120 miles north. Thank you to the chorale for their glorious singing and for their generosity to the mayor’s Charities.

 My favourite Christmas cracker joke so far has come from Reverend Hazel Charlton, during St Matthew’s carol service in Ronkswood:     

How did King Wenceslas like his pizza?

          Deep pan crisp and even!

 Nice one, Hazel!

 Phil and I were charmed by Perry Wood Primary School choir and by Ronkzy Starz shadow puppet version of the nativity, in which bad old King Herod was chased away by Superman and Flash.

 I joined Ronkswood Snack and Chat group and Sight Concern for their Christmas lunches. Both are very friendly groups with a huge sense of fun. I always enjoy their company.

 The City Council’s Take Pride event saw over 100 environmental volunteers receive awards for their service to the community in our parks and allotments. Special thanks are due to the Friends of Gheluvelt and CripplegateParks, and to the Duckworth Trust.

Linda Sammonds, former Chair of the Friends of Cripplegate Park, receives a special award for a lifetime of volunteering
Linda Sammonds, former Chair of the Friends of Cripplegate Park, receives a special award for a lifetime of volunteering

We also attended carol services with BishopPerowneHigh School, the Chair of the County Council and Worcester Scouts. There were beautiful performances from Bishop Perowne dancers, choir and instrumentalists, rounded off with a toe tapping finale from the accordionist from Granny’s Attic.





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