Mayor’s Week: 2 – 9 January 2014

Mayor’s Week: 2 – 9 January 2014

It gives me great pleasure, as Worcester’s Deputy Mayor, to be asked by the mayor to write this first message of 2014.


My wife Lynn, who is Deputy Mayoress, and I have had a busy few months attending lots of events which the Mayor Pat Agar couldn’t fit into her much busier schedule. Six carol services rounded off last year for us, which we thoroughly enjoyed.  Some of them were less grand than others but, among the highlights were wonderful choirs and music from the Women’s Institute, Worcester Male Voice Choir and the King’s School choir and musicians. Worcester has, quite rightly, a great reputation for its musical performances and our Cathedral is a magnificent venue for such events.

Our hard-working Mayor attended sixteen carol services so she and her consort, Phil, ought to know just about every Christmas carol off by heart now! She has certainly earned a week off writing this column.

One of the most important jobs of the mayor is to help raise money for charity and, especially at this time of year, we think about the plight of those without a home. Many would be sleeping on the streets, cold and hungry, without the help of charities like Maggs Day Centre, St Paul’s Hostel and the YMCA. So the mayor deserves our support and gratitude for her unstinting efforts all year round to raise our awareness of this need – as well as money to help local charities to do their vital work.

Let’s hope 2014 is a Happy New Year for everyone in our great city – with no-one being left behind.

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