Mayor’s Week: 10 – 17 July 2013

Mayor’s Week: 10 – 17 July 2013

Phil and I visited ASPIE this week – a charity which supports adults who have Aspergers Syndrome.  People with Aspergers often excel – as mathematicians, musicians, accountants, and much more. Shockingly, it is currently taking 22 months to get a diagnosis of Aspergers in Worcestershire.

We spent Tuesday evening with the Guides. I had the pleasure of presenting several Guides with their Baden Powell Awards and hearing about their activities.

This week, Blessed Edward Oldcorne School celebrated their fiftieth anniversary with a special mass, presided over by Archbishop Bernard of Birmingham. Prayers were also said for Denise, wife of the Bishop of Worcester.

On Friday evening, we attended an evening of songs, traditional and modern, in aid of Acorns and Maggs. Thank you to the Chapter 8 singers for a magical evening.

Cutting of the cake at St Swithun’s evensong!
Cutting of the cake at St Swithun’s evensong!

St Swithun’s evensong is always a wonderful experience. The bells rang a welcome as we processed along the High Street and the Gentlemen’s Volunteer Choir sang from the gallery. Try taking your sandwiches to St Swithun’s on Friday lunchtimes if you enjoy live music with your lunch. I plan to!

The new Dines Green development got under way on Monday. There will be 51 new Worcester Community Housing homes, a youth centre, shops and a church. By next spring, the heart of Dines Green will be amazing.

Worcester Repertory Company triumphed again with Shakespeare at the Commandery. They gave us the funniest version of the Tempest I have ever seen. Congratulations to Chris Jaeger and the whole team! I certainly plan to see the Merchant of Venice at the Cathedral in October.


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