Mayor’s Week: 5 – 11 July 2013

Mayor’s Week: 5 – 11 July 2013

After a fascinating talk by Lord Faulkner on how Britain’s railways were saved, I was left wondering if Sir Humphrey of “Yes Minister” had been involved. It was a complicated and devious tale. I feel sure the book will interest both railway fans and the politically or historically inclined.

Saturday brought a change of pace – I joined the Worcestershire Chinese Association for their monthly meeting and attended a garden party with past mayors from around the county. I also found my dream kitchen at the opening of “Dream Doors,” a new family business on the Tything.

Phil and I received a warm welcome from residents and staff when we attended the Shaw Red Hill Care Home fete. We had a tour of the home and chatted with residents.

Planning for the World War 1 commemoration is gathering speed. A specially designated website will launch in autumn, so it will be easy to advertise your event or find out what is going on.


I welcomed the winners of the Rotary Club’s “Junior Youth Speaks” competitions from St Barnabas and Gorse Hill Schools to the Mayor’s Parlour. The children asked some searching history questions and informed me that the origin of the phrase, “to kick the bucket,” referred to kicking the bucket from under someone about to be hanged. This interesting nugget of information came up during a visit to the cells.

Last week, local Samaritans celebrated 40 years of supporting people experiencing a crisis in their lives. Nationally, the Samaritans have been in existence for 50 years. Congratulations to them and thank you to the volunteers, for all the hard work that you do.

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