Mayor’s Week: 8 – 14 June 2015

Mayor’s Week: 8 – 14 June 2015

Sunday was a big day with the LiberTea celebration of the 800th anniversary of the sealing of Magna Carta, followed by the Mayor’s Inaugural Civic Service in the Cathedral. We were so lucky with the weather – no rain, and believe me that really is a blessing when one has to wear the robes of a Councillor, they are heavy when they’re dry and when wet, they are a nightmare! This year there were no such worries; we processed in glorious sun shine!

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Turnout was good and the “Chain Gang” were very well represented, the Cathedral was full and the Dean’s sermon was engaging and, as always, so well delivered. On returning to the Guildhall there was tea, coffee and light bites not to mention the barrel of Hook Norton Ale kindly donated by Ted Marshall, landlord of the Cap ‘n Gown pub in the Upper Tything, to help lubricate the Magna Carta celebrations.

A number of organisations and businesses had their official opening in the last week or so, among them were Engage Life, based in Britannia Road; Signature Care Services in St John’s and on a somewhat different note, Subway on the corner of Friar Street. Amazingly Subway celebrated their opening with a six foot long sandwich, which they photographed from all angles and then cut up to give away to people who were lucky enough to be passing by!

The Committee led by Cllr. Joy Squires, as Chairman, deserve to be congratulated for producing the first Worcester Canal Festival on Saturday 13th June, at Lansdowne Park. Supported by a great number of local people and the Canal and River Trust, (CRT), they delivered a superb day’s entertainment despite being hit by very unfortunate weather. The day however, was excellent and I was delighted to see that CRT had commissioned a work boat, to be crewed by volunteers. It is designed to help maintain the waterside, both ensuring it is litter and graffiti free, as well as keeping the shrubbery under control. This is something I campaigned for back when I was the Cabinet Member for a Cleaner and Greener City.

I hope you made it to the Royal Three Counties Show, if you did, I’m sure you will agree it was worth the effort and if you attended on the Friday, like me, you were very lucky with the weather.

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