I went to one of those events this week that helps bring some perspective. A cup of tea with the Young at Heart charity which supports families of children with heart conditions. Closely linked to Birmingham Children’s Hospital they of course have members across our county offering advice and support, and even setting up a Dad’s Club.

History was alive and well in Worcester over the weekend with re-enactors popping up around every corner. From Saxon to GI the Living History event engaged 5000 visitors and residents at Tudor House, Greyfriars, the Commandery and the Guildhall. Authenticity is key, and the chance to see and touch things really fleshes out what we know from the written words of history. I love to see a Marmaluke taking a selfie!

Despite being a relatively small city, Worcester still has a number of strong pocket communities, one of which, the Arbo, was lit up recently with windows adorned with a range of images, fairies, stiltmen on bicycles, and the sound of steam trains. The eponymous trees were bathed in different colours and everyone wandered round the mild evening in complete safety. This lovely event also featured Dancefest and really shows a great community spirit.

I received a visitor to the Parlour from the north-east and finished the week chairing Worcester’s Twinning Association. They are getting back on their feet again after the restrictions in movement across borders imposed by Covid. The Association have an impressive programme for the coming year, of visits and links in Europe, and always welcome new members.

We were back to the start again after the formal business, as Richard from the Battle of Worcester Society gave his take on the English Revolution and Charles’ (then only King of Scots) escape from Worcester and the last battle of the English Civil Wars.


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