Mayor’s Week: 12 – 18 September 2014

Mayor’s Week: 12 – 18 September 2014

People often ask me what are the things you most need to be Mayor and I usually say stamina and a sense of humour. I am a very “Green” Mayor as I tend to walk to all my engagements in the City Centre wearing the Chain of Office so I can report two amusing incidents whilst en route to the Tour of Britain last week. One of two workmen sitting on a bench in Broad Street looked up and asked: “You the Mayor?” Yes, I said. “Oh, good on you mate” he replied. On the return, a bloke in Angel Place said : “Nice necklace”.  Quick as a flash, I replied “Glad to hear it. It’s worth a few quid.” To which he said : “Yeah, nice one, man”. Those friendly exchanges made my day.

I’ve been to two awards ceremonies in two weeks, this week’s being the superbly well organised Worcester College of Technology Graduation Ceremony in the Cathedral. It was wonderful to be a part of it and to congratulate so many talented young people. Sad that they’re leaving college but exciting to see them take on the challenges and opportunities that await them in the big wide world. And I totally agree with the theme of the address, that people should take risks. If you don’t, you won’t achieve anything. So, carpe diem, in other words go for it.

The military theme of recent weeks continued when I saw a number of military manoeuvres on a visit to the local Army Cadet Training Centre; and the history theme continued on Sunday with the Heritage Open Day when I was “at home” in The Parlour for most of the day showing large numbers of visitors, local and from around the world, around my office and letting them be photographed with the ceremonial regalia, the enormous interest in which continues to amaze me.

One of the week’s many highlights was entertaining Jamie Sherwood (aged 11) and his family to tea in The Parlour whom I invited along after he won an important reading competition in Warndon. And well done to Mr and Mrs Sherwood for bringing up such a polite and positive lad. I’m sure he’ll be a star at his new school, Tudor Grange Academy.

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