Mayor’s Week: 5 – 11 September 2014

Mayor’s Week: 5 – 11 September 2014

The Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Authority Award Ceremony was for people who had acted beyond the call of duty. The most touching moment has to go to fire fighter William Doolan, who tried so extremely hard on stage to prevent a massive smile breaking out whilst awaiting the Silver Axe Award. What a pity not every organisation has these ceremonies to appreciate their workforce.

Two charity events reinforce my point about people acting selflessly for others. Congratulations must go to Angie Smith who organised her first-ever Fundraising Day at Archdales Club in Warndon for Cancer Research, raising an incredible £3,000.

The Community Fete on Sunday at Ronkswood Community Centre (thank you Jean Wilson) raised money for New Hope, benefitting children with severe disabilities. I enjoyed being met by Emily the Elephant and although I wanted to have a go on the bouncy castle, I feared it would be too risky for the castle. I spent a delightful evening at St. Mary’s Church in Kempsey at a Charities Working Together event organised by Heather Davies, where we had presentations from The Red Cross, Christian Aid, and Save the Children, much of which was very harrowing.

There is history behind every corner in our City, and I was in the middle of it at the Annual Commemoration Service for the Battle of Worcester in Old St. Martin’s Church, in the Cornmarket. You wouldn’t think such a beautiful building could be squeezed in next to two pubs opposite a car park. But that is Worcester for you.

Opening the refurbished Acorns shop in Mealcheapen was a particular honour as few of us can compare with the incredible work done by these incredible people, such as providing care and support to children so close to death and looking after the family 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Acorns relies on voluntary income and the Worcester Hospice costs £7,500 a day – that’s £750 per bed. So, please go in and spend some money.

And what a Wednesday. Starting early morning at The Tour of Britain, I never knew how enjoyable it would be with such excitement oozing from the huge crowd. We must now work hard to ensure Worcester keeps it here as part of the annual calendar.


Later I sat on a Panel involving Starbucks to give grants to young people organising charity fundraising events. They deserved and we awarded the full amounts requested.


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