Mayor’s Week: 29 August – 4 September 2014

Mayor’s Week: 29 August – 4 September 2014

A lovely start to the week, with a chat and tea in the Parlour with Naomi Smith (and her Mum) who is writing an article about meeting the Mayor for her school, Nunnery Wood High. I look forward to reading her thoughts and impressions. How refreshing to see a 12 year old asking questions, taking notes, and showing a real interest in her surroundings.

With every day being unique, a large part of Tuesday was taken up by the BBC filming an episode of Father Brown from the Parlour and elsewhere in The Guildhall. Although they just wanted a shot of somebody coming out of the Parlour, it took an hour to do and, five large lorries of equipment and six hours later, the shooting was nearly all over for that day.

For a short while, there was a most amusing interlude when I wanted to return to the Parlour from the second floor, but without being allowed to go through the Main Hall. I thought I was stranded until I was shown an almost secret back route down eerie corridors, past empty offices. Still, an interesting discovery. Anyway, thank you BBC for showing millions of viewers in the near future what a wonderful building we have! If it implies the building may appear a little old fashioned, so much the better, that’s what gives it its character and interest – and why we must preserve it as it is.

On Wednesday I was treated by the Battle of Worcester Society to a Drumhead Service in Fort Royal Park, to mark the anniversary of the battle. This was surely one of the most important battles in British history, as it allowed Cromwell to lay the foundations of the modern British state and we soon then became one of the world’s greatest powers. And remember, the opposing armies were that of King Charles 11 of Scotland and his invading Scottish army, and Cromwell, the Lord General of Great Britain and Ireland. How fortunate we are to have a Society which continues to commemorate this momentous event.

Drumhead Ceremony

At the same time, I as Mayor never forget the local issues of my constituents in Warndon. The week ended on a high also, with two successes when I managed to help a young family move into more appropriate housing, and also got an area of mass overgrowth behind a number of gardens in Cranham Drive cleared. Both took persistence, so the success was that much sweeter.

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