Mayor’s Week: 12 – 19 June 2014

Mayor’s Week: 12 – 19 June 2014

This was a really mixed week. It started off with a very civilized afternoon tea in the Parlour with a small group of people one of whom now lives in Australia, so it was fitting to visit the cells to where a number of prisoners had been transported.

I was impressed by the Royal Grammar School’s Graduation Ceremony in the Cathedral where the school demonstrated some impressive young talent, but a little sad at the thought that all this hope and enthusiasm may shortly collide with the reality of the harsh big wide world outside.

My visit to St. Richard’s Hospice at Wildwood made me stop and realize just how lucky we are that there are so many wonderful and selfless people around who, in this case, devote themselves to looking after the terminally ill. Professionals and volunteers – I salute you all. It puts all our own problems and concerns into perspective.

Back on familiar territory at the Fairfield Centre Open Day to celebrate Adult Learner’s Week, I was reminded of the vast diversity of our community in Worcester. It was gratifying that so many adults are prepared to make a real effort, often in difficult circumstances, to pursue their keenness to learn.They are an example to us all, especially when too many people today seem to have lost interest in life’s wonders.

Whilst certainly maintaining all the good traditions, I have spent some time undertaking a radical review of various functions of the Mayoralty, in particular the Inaugural Banquet and the Mayor’s Charity Dinner, in order to modernize these key events and make them both more exciting and relevant for ordinary people. I’ve also been discussing the organization of our World War One anniversary celebrations.

An amusing incident occurred when the Guildhall Manager suddenly implored me not to sit on a particular chair in the Parlour. Whilst accepting that I may be a tad overweight, I was reassured when he told me that this prohibition applied to everybody and not just me!

guildhall throne

A little know fact is that, as Mayor, I still have the power to raise an army. Anybody like to join?

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