Mayor’s Week: 19 – 26 June 2014

Mayor’s Week: 19 – 26 June 2014

This past week I was privileged to have attended the Licensing and Installation of Rev’d Jo Musson as Priest in Charge of St. George with St. Mary Magdalene, surely one of the most beautiful churches in Worcester.

Then a most unusual but fascinating visit to our University for the opening of the Air Spectrum Environmental’s analytical odour laboratory, which is an odour threshold testing facility to forecast, detect and control air pollution. This is one of only four in the whole of the UK, so full credit to Worcester.

The 25th Birthday Honours for BBC Hereford & Worcester saw seven fantastic people win titles for bravery, volunteer work, and service to others. It was a very humbling experience to see such worthy people receive their awards.

My ardent love of books (real ones you can touch and hold, not the other sort) was titillated when I opened the fourth Worcestershire Literary Festival and witnessed the excitement of the selection of the county’s new Poet Laureate. I also heard some fantastic prize-winning readings from young people. This is certainly expanding to be one of the great events of the year, with a huge diversity of activities arranged for the following week. Many congratulations to the organisers and participants who have made this such a success.

It was a lovely summer’s morning when I launched the Rotary Club’s Board March through the City Centre to raise money for charity. I really do take my hat off to the Rotary Club who are continually doing so much selfless work benefitting so many people.

I was honoured and pleased to officiate at the Worcester Ramblers’ Group 25th Year Anniversary Celebration and learn about the tremendous amount of good work they do, in particular, footpath repair and maintenance. It was somewhat ironic that, whilst I was congratulating the walkers for the example they set to the rest of us and encouraging more people to join, it really should have been the ramblers encouraging me to get a healthier lifestyle! But then, as I’ve often said, if I were fit enough to do exercise, I wouldn’t bother!

Did you know that all the pollen count forecasts on BBC television weather forecasts come solely from our University in Worcester? Again, something to be proud of.

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