Mayor’s Week: 26 June – 3 July 2014

Mayor’s Week: 26 June – 3 July 2014

In response to a lot of people asking if  The Mayor always has to be a Councillor, I can confirm that the answer is yes, they do. So, looking after your constituents is in addition to any Mayoral duties. For example, in the past week or so, I have managed to get the bus stop outside the Farmers Boy on Tolladine Road moved a bit further down the road to solve a very dangerous traffic problem; and I had a very successful meeting with the regional managers of the local KFC on site to reduce the litter problems around the store and beyond. So, it’s business as usual.

 I am delighted to confirm that one of my charities is Forces Support, which provides practical help and support for the families of service personnel who have been killed or come back severely injured. They do both garden and inside work, and operate closely with the Widows Association and SAFA. They have a warehouse shop in Sherriff Street which accepts donations of furniture and house clearance items. They also employ some youngsters who would otherwise not be in work. So, please help them make a difference.

 One of the nice things about being Mayor is that you can encourage and support people who want to do something for Worcester. So, it is a real pleasure that I am supporting a sculptor who wants to do a life size bronze statue of Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy, whom we all know as Woodbine Willy, a true Worcester hero. 

Remarkably, we are experiencing some proper summer weather – at least up to now – so that will make my weekend engagements especially fun, opening the Summer Concert and Celebration Day at New College and starting off the Worcester Race for Life (supporting the battle against cancer) at Worcester Racecourse. Worcester is certainly blessed with so many people who are prepared to give up their time and efforts for others for these very worthy causes. 



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